For best results remove as many beetle infested trees as possible from the site prior to beetle emergence and deploying Verbenone.
Above: Jim demonstrates how to apply a single verbenone pouch to a tree using an easy-to-make Hundle Hammer that allows you to reach higher on the trunk.
Regardless of which type of Verbenone you employ it is of paramount importance that Verbenone be used as part of a multi-year integrated pest management program that also includes disposal of all infested trees on the area to be protected.
Tips for Keeping your Trees Protected:
Active Ingredient 4,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo (3.1.1) hept-2-en-2-one* |
96% |
Other Ingredients | 4% |
Total | 100% |
*Each dispenser contains 7 grams of verbenone.
EPA Reg No: 56261-6
EPA Establishment No: 56261-CN-1
Note: The ISCA Mountain Pine Beetle Repellent is only available for purchase in the following States in the US: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Wyoming. For California, Please purchase SPLAT Verb.
An ISCA Verbenone pouch is an easy-to-use controlled-release dispenser that is hung on individual specimen trees or placed in a grid pattern when wanting to protect acreage.
Pouches release their scented contents more quickly as temperatures rise, and they are affected by sunlight. Beetles prefer dark, cool parts of the forest. Thus, place pouches approx 6-10' high on the north face of the tree (where there is more shade) and downwind of prevailing breezes so that the "plume" of pheromone will waft in the direction of the trees being protected.
DO NOT put the nail or tack through the center of the packet, as this will damage the integrity of the pouch, causing it to release its contents too quickly. There is a strip at the top of each pouch that is reinforced and provided for the nail to puncture.
Host Tree Stands: Stands and fallen pine trees, including: limber, loblolly, lodge-pole, pinyon, ponderosa, sugar, shortleaf, Virginia, western whitepine, white, whitebark, or pine trees of any species. Use on trees in forests; municipal and shade tree areas, recreational areas such as camp grounds, golf courses, parks and parkways; ornamental and shade tree plantings; suburban areas; and rights of way and other easements.
Pests: Verbenone is an anti-aggregation (repellent) pheromone specifically for the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae). It has been found to be only partially effective against southern pine beetles (Dendroctonus frontalis), western pine beetles, (Dendroctonus brevicomis), and other bark beetles. Verbenone Pouches deter attacks in tree stands and protect susceptible trees.
For best results remove as many beetle infested trees as possible from the site prior to beetle emergence and deploying Verbenone.
Application Placement: In tree stands, place in a grid pattern by stapling individual pouches 6-12 feet above the ground on the North face of susceptible trees. Use a minimum of 20 pouches per acre. The product is most efficacious when less than 15% of mature pines are currently attacked and when combined with direct control tactics e.g sanitation harvesting or felling and burning of infested trees. Usual dispersal range is approximately 10 feet around the tree and 10' above and below the pouch, most concentrated in the direction of the prevailing breeze. Dispersal is fastest in warmer temperatures. Best placed on the shady side of the tree and upwind.
For individual un-infested, living trees, staple one pouch at maximum reach from the ground on the north face or two pouches (one at 6' and one at 12' above the ground) on the north face.
For protecting stands of trees, use at least one pouch every 25 feet in a perimeter surrounding the stand. Also place a Verbenone pouch on the North side of the largest tree. By encircling the stand and boosting the repellent on the most desirable tree, the pouches can be used in more economical fashion and may help to protect more than the one tree per pouch.
Pouch Treatment Timing:
Don't wait to order enough repellent for a 2nd flight if you think it is possible. The manufacturers always curtail production before the end of the season, and you may find yourself without supplies. If you end up with an overage, SPLAT can be kept for the following season.
Verbenone is prescribed as part of a multi-faceted approach to mountain pine beetle management. No single treatment can totally prevent attacks. Additionally, preventative measures will need to be repeated each year or each flight season in areas with more than one season annually.
Treatment is usually site-specific, depending on such factors as proximity, size and rate of growth of an infestation, stand age and composition, aspect elevation, altitude, climate, local weather and integration with other control tactics. Inexperienced users are advised to seek guidance from a professional forest entomologist.
Surrounding your House or Cabin: We all have trees close to our house that are irreplaceable and important to the character of the house. We recommend that you protect the most important trees around your home in a spiral pattern, protecting the closest (and most valuable trees) first. Then spiral out protecting more as you get further from the house. That way, your most important trees are most heavily protected.
Active Ingredient 4,6,6-trimethyl-bicyclo (3.1.1) hept-3-en-2-one* |
10% |
Other Ingredients | 90% |
Total | 100% |
*Each SPLAT tube contains 75 grams of verbenone in paste and is equivalent to 7.5 grams of pheromone (AI) Active Ingredient per tree.
EPA Reg No: 80286-20
EPA Establishment No: 80286-CA-004
Note: The SPLAT Mountain Pine Beetle Repellent is available for use in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevade, New Mexico, Oregon, S.Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and California.
SPLAT Treatment Timing:
Don't wait to order enough repellent for a 2nd flight if you think it is possible. The manufacturers always curtail production before the end of the season, and you may find yourself without supplies. If you end up with an overage, SPLAT can be kept for the following season.
SPLAT Application Instructions:
Surrounding your House or Cabin: We all have trees close to our house that are irreplaceable and important to the character of the house. We recommend that you protect the most important trees around your home in a spiral pattern, protecting the closest (and most valuable trees) first. Then spiral out protecting more as you get further from the house. That way, your most important trees are most heavily protected.
Storage & Shelf Life:
Treatment is usually site-specific, depending on such factors as proximity, size and rate of growth of an infestation, stand age and composition, aspect elevation, altitude, climate, local weather and integration with other control tactics. Inexperienced users are advised to seek guidance from a professional forest entomologist.
The product is most efficacious when less than 15% of mature pines are currently attacked and when combined with direct control tactics (e.g sanitation harvesting or felling and burning of infested trees.)
Verbenone is prescribed as part of a multi-faceted approach to mountain pine beetle management. No single treatment can totally prevent attacks. Additionally, preventative measures will need to be repeated each year or each flight season in areas with more than one season annually.
IPS are in the tips While MPB stay in the lower 20 feet of the trunk and prefer larger trees, IPS beetles like the smaller branches higher up and the ends of the branches. Their favorite spots are in slash and broken or raw wood.
The flight season is longer, as two to four generations of these beetles usually develop per year. Verbenone is only partially effective against ips beetles. The best combination treatment for ips pini is a combination of verbenone and ipsenol. However, no commercially developed application combination has been developed at this time.
Overwintering ips beetles begin emerging in spring as soon as daytime temperatures consistently reach 50 F to 60 F. However, timing can be difficult to determine since ips beetles can have multiple, overlapping generations and life cycles. (Use earlier and repeatedly through October.) The ABSOLUTE best practice to prevent ips beetles is to remove all slash, boughs, and limbs, (which attract ips beetles) immediately.
This product is for Forestry use only. Prior to use, open storage bag in a well-ventilated area and allow any accumulated vapour to vent.
Fast Delivery.
Save up to 10%: No Sales Tax Unless in Texas
As low as $7.55/tree for pouches or $12.10/tree for SPLAT Verb Paste.
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