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Healthy Forest with Verbenone

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Yosemite National Park, Glacier National Park, and the US Forest Service have already purchased for 2024.


Serving individuals, Municipalities, Neighborhood Associations, National Parks, and other Governmental Agencies for 21 years.

How do I protect my pine trees from Pine Beetles?
Control pine beetles by using a beetle Pheromone that repels them from the trees.

Verbenone Pouches and SPLAT Verb
are economical, highly effective, non-toxic beetle repellents.

How do pine beetles kill trees?

Pine Beetles kill trees by strangling them and depriving them of nutrients. Adult mountain pine beetles (MPB) burrow into trees and lay eggs under the bark, enabling the larvae to infest and destroy the tree. The mountain pine beetle is also a carrier of blue stain fungus, which, combined with larval feeding, blocks water and nutrient transport within the tree.

What if my trees already have Pine Beetles?

If you know that your trees already have pine beetles, nothing practical can be done to save them. The infested trees must be taken down and burned or chipped before the larvae inside begin to hatch and fly. Colorado State University Extension services estimates that one infested tree will kill at least two and possibly more trees if they are not neutralized in time. Prevention of Mountain Pine Beetle, Douglas-Fir Beetle or Spruce Beetle attack is the only option going forward.

Are pine beetles getting worse?

Climate change has made the beetle problem worse. Though sporadic pine beetle outbreaks are a natural part of western U.S. ecosystems, beetle populations typically grow in response to the favorable effects of warmer temperatures (that help beetles development) and drought that stresses host trees, making them more vulnerable to attack. See Pine Beetle FAQ's

> Mountain Pine, Fir and Spruce Beetles, and IPS beetles take turns causing devastation throughout the mountain west. Heavy snow pack and wet weather provide a slowdown of the Pine Beetle damage because the hydrated trees are stronger in the Spring through summer. However, as drought returns, so do the beetles. Even the high elevations rarely get down to low enough temperatures in the deep winter to kill the beetle larve, which are snuggly esconced under the bark and filled with their own beetle antifreeze.

Previous Pine Beetle devastation invites IPS beetles, which establish themselves in freshly killed or damaged trees and downed and burned trees, then build up large enough populations to take over healthier forests. So it is doubly important to prevent the MPB damage early.

When should I treat for Mountain Pine Beetles?

Treating for Mountain Pine Beetles is temperature-sensitive. Because of the change in weather patterns, higher prevalence of drought and warmer temperatures, pine beetles are hatching earlier and staying later. The 11 most affected western states expect a lot more mortality in the next 3-5 years. The recent rise in tree mortality at mid-elevations of 3000-5000’ is particularly problematic. And fires have been epidemic.

Lower latitude and lower elevataions start early and must treat twice to cover two swarms per season. Northern latitudes and higher elevations start later and usually treat only once per season. See Verbenone Instructions for more details

What is the best pine beetle control?

Verbenone pouches and SPLAT Verb have been used by the Forest Service, Municipalities and Small Towns, Neighborhood Associations, and private individuals for over a decade to protect high value pine trees from the ravages of Mountain Pine Beetles. >Verbenone Pheromone (in packets or SPLAT Verb paste) is non-toxic and natural, but highly effective. It targets only the insects killing your trees, and leaves beneficial insects, humans, pets and wildlife completely unharmed.

Studies conducted in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Colorado have proven the effectiveness of verbenone in repelling beetle attacks for up to 100 days with each application.

More recent studies have shown that SPLAT Verb Paste is up to 100% effective at repelling Mountain Pine Beetles. See Verbenone Studies for details. Or see the brief from the USDA SPLAT studies discussed for Science Direct.

Now the best pine beetle treatments are also the most economical treatments. We have discounted our pricing to make it less expensive than the toxic spray currently being employed by unsuspecting home owners whose birds and wildlife are adversely affected by the chemicals.

Poison Chemicals

We can provide you with the greenest and best beetle repellents to protect your ornamental and high-value trees.

Fast Delivery.

Save up to 10%: No Sales Tax Unless in Texas

As low as $8.60 per tree for verbenone pouches or $11.99 for SPLAT Verb Paste.